Got this really nice e-mail from my friend, Grace the other day. Just thought that it would be nice to also share the message (and spread the news about
KaEskwela) with my blogger family :D
KaEskwela's 2012 Project Aral delivery in Bataan |
"For the past two weeks, we have
been getting a lot of feedback via email and Facebook. Some people want
to volunteer, some want to donate, some want to help spread the word.
Some, amazingly, do not know anyone from
All because some people share.
we don't mean just sharing time, money, goods. We mean share as in
Facebook Share, retweet, forward email, copy paste Multiply link on
Plurk, make your YM stat, tell a friend about KaE
while having lunch, and so on.
Because Yas Shared, her friend's friends are now trying to raise funds to help fix Geronimo's water
Because Ada (or someone from her team)
sent messages asking for Project Aral volunteers for Bataan, a teacher
from Woodrose is introducing us to a 12-year-old girl who wants to
donate copies of her very own book.
Because Jovy posted photos of their Project Aral delivery to Lara, workmates have pledged to join future deliveries.
Because Roselyn Shared our appeal for transportation, an acquaintance lent her vehicles and even paid for gas.
Etcetera etcetera.
Just imagine how much help our partner schools will get if everyone in KaEskwela SHARED! :)" Btw, if you need a
fender esquire, just click on the link.