After watching the hot air balloons take flight we decided to leave Clark airfield to look for a place to cool down. Actually, there were a lot of interesting things to see but after doing one round we figured that it would be better if we went somewhere else. We really wanted to relax considering the fact that we hardly had any sleep before going there. It was still too early to head to the hotel so we made a few stops to pass the time.
Our first stop was the Clark Museum which is located inside the Freeport Zone. We enjoyed looking at the varied items ranging from local artworks, Mt. Pinatubo eruption photos to assorted memorabilia from the American occupation.

We went to
Nayong Pilipino sa Clark after. It was cool seeing so many famous Philippine landmarks (well, smaller replicas) in one place! They had the Barasoain church, Jose Rizal's home, Ifugao huts and many other important Philippine structures.

They have a souvenir area in the Aeta village where I bought a bird whistle for Nugget. Sadly, I don't think its effective because the sound freaks him out. Haha.

Maybe I should have gotten the colorful ones instead :)
I miss Pampanga.