Monday, July 28, 2014

More busy days ahead

It was an extremely busy week...  So busy that we did not even feel the weekend!  Right now I feel that I need to be extra productive since it is a Monday again.
aftermath of a whole week of crafting!
The first task on my list is to clean the house :D  I joined an art fair (more on that in another post) and because of this our tiny home has been littered with all my stuff!  Next on the list is catching up on all my e-mail messages and pending projects.
But before I get started I am rewarding myself with a Kitkat break!  I wish that after this break I will be able to unlock the power of being super productive so I can finish all the things on my to do list!  It would be great to have that skill!  I also need to be focused and avoid distraction (eeps, good bye internet... and cake walk... haha).
Even my Trikky Kitty agrees that I need a KitKat break (or breaks).  Happy Monday folks!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for your Art Fair post! Sending our furry hugs to you and your furry family...




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